Hello there! If you have come to this page, hi welcome I’m Maura it’s very nice to “meet” you. I am an aspiring Blogger/Journalist and I am really excited to be starting this page! This Blog has been a long time coming and I am really grateful that you are here reading this. I have created this page not only for something fun for me to do, but also to share with others my life and the things I am constantly learning as well some lifestyle tips that I think others should know. I’m no expert on anything, but I am hoping that this page will bring as much joy to you as it does to me!
Bear with me, as this is just as much a journey for me as this may be for you so let me just start by telling you a little bit about myself. I am currently in my twenties, I love to travel and find new places to explore, and I love coffee so much that it’s pretty concerning. Along with that, I am a follower of the Lord and love talking and learning with others about Him. Those are mainly the “important things” but, you will learn more as soon as posts become more regular. Anyways, thank you so much again for stopping by and I hope that I can bring a little joy to your days to come!